Emmett Shaughnessy

Software Developer • Educator • Innovator in Technology

I create digital experiences that connect people and technology through elegant solutions and purposeful design.

Emmett Shaughnessy

About Me

Passionate about bridging technology and people, I am a software developer, web designer, and educator dedicated to creating innovative solutions and inspiring the next generation of tech enthusiasts. With a strong foundation in programming and a keen eye for minimalist design, I strive to deliver seamless digital experiences that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Professional Background

  • Founder & CEO of ES Development LLC: Established to provide bespoke software and web development services.
  • Software Developer & Web Designer: Expertise in creating robust applications and responsive websites.
  • Computer Science Educator at iCode North Dallas: Teaching K-12 students the fundamentals of computer science.

Design Philosophy

Inspired by Dieter Rams, I believe that "Good design is as little design as possible." This principle guides my approach to creating minimalist, functional, and impactful digital solutions.

Notable Projects

Green Valley

A local lawn service and residential gardening company, based in Houston, reached out for a website redesign. We are proudly approaching the official launch of their website v2.

Technologies: HTML, JS, UI/UX design principles, Backend Databases & CRM

Website of Green Valley Lawn Services
Website of Leon Lee Dorsey

Leon Lee Dorsey Website

Developed a personal website for jazz musician Leon Lee Dorsey. Designed to elegantly showcase his work with seamless navigation and a minimalist aesthetic.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Responsive Design

Blue Seed Solutions

A landing page for the website development company I previously worked for.

Technologies: Python (Flask), JavaScript, HTML, JS

Website of Blue Seed Solutions

Skills & Expertise

Programming Languages

  • Swift: First programming language; extensive experience in iOS app development.
  • Python: Used for projects involving Raspberry Pi, AI integrations, and web development with Flask.
  • Java: Studied during AP Computer Science A and at Penn State University.

Web Development

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
  • CMS Platforms: Squarespace (Circle member), WordPress, Shopify
  • Design Principles: Emphasis on minimalist design, responsive layouts, and user experience

Cloud Services

  • AWS: Expertise in S3, EC2, SNS, Route 53, Amplify for deploying scalable applications
  • Firebase: Real-time database and authentication SDK integration


"Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful." - Dieter Rams
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs

These words inspire me to continually strive for excellence in my work, focusing on creating meaningful experiences through thoughtful design and innovation.

Get in Touch

I'm always excited to connect with like-minded professionals, potential collaborators, and anyone interested in my work. Feel free to reach out!