Founder, Developer, & Designer.

Emmett Shaughnessy is a freelance Web Developer, the Founder & Owner of ES Development LLC, and a former K-12 Computer Science teacher through iCode School.

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Emmett Shaughnessy is a software developer, website developer / designer, graphic designer, business owner, student, and teacher.


Good design is making something intelligible and memorable.

Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.


My ‘moto’ per-se for web design also happens to be my favorite quote from the great Dieter Rams: “Good design means as little design as possible.”

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Squarespace
    • I’m a certified Squarespace Circle member, which means my clients get 20% off their first year of a Squarespace website
  • Wordpress
  • Shopify
  • JavaScript

I’m proficient in both Photoshop and Pixelmator Pro. If possible (and applicable), I usually choose to go with Pixelmator.

Swift was the first programming language I learned, and it remains one of my favorites to this day.

  • GitHub
  • GitKracken
  • Source Tree
  • Command Line git

Realtime database / auth SDK integration with Swift

Basic skillset (took AP Computer Science A in high school and IST140 @ Penn State), but still workable.

Python was the second programming language I learned. My first project was “Rock Paper Scissors”, and I worked my way up to building (mini) robot cars that accelerated, decelerated, and turned based on RPi keyboard commands.

My most recent project is creating an Airplay sound system with Python and an RPi

Python was the second programming language I learned. My first project was “Rock Paper Scissors”, and I worked my way up to building (mini) robot cars that accelerated, decelerated, and turned based on RPi keyboard commands.

My most recent project is creating an Airplay sound system with Python and an RPi

I learned AWS (S3, EC2, SNS, Route 53, Amplify, etc.) for internal file archives and CDN delivery for my company, ES Development LLC. I still use it for those purposes to this day.

I learned GCS (mainly the file storage & distribution services) to see if it would better suit my needs than AWS.

It did not.

I have experience with XYZ, TierTime, and of course, Prusa 3D Printers. The specific models I’ve worked with are:

TinkerCAD is an online-only Computer Assisted Design (CAD) program. It allows users to create prototype object models in three-dimensions.

Autodesk’s Fusion 360 is a local Computer Assisted Design (CAD) program that works great in 3D printing applications.

Blender is an open-source 3D modeling and animation software, used primarily to create 3D scenes, CGI elements, and VFX edits for film and TV. I use Blender for fun :)

“I think the things you regret most in life are the things you didn’t do.”

Steve Jobs